No Santa This Christmas………… That’s What You Think!

Ho ho … hum: Santa to take video calls as lockdown keeps grottos closed

Covid 19 Santa Claus IS coming

With restrictions in place across the UK, Santa is making use of technology to reach children this Christmas

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Christmas hasn’t been cancelled yet but meeting Santa and his little helpers is going to look different for a lot of people this year, with video calls that take children to the north pole replacing many visits to local grottos.

Socially distanced events are still planned in some event spaces in England, although they will only be able to take place once the national lockdown has lifted, as businesses pivot to deal with coronavirus restrictions.

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30 Unimaginable Things Women Did In The Past Just For The Sake Of ‘Beauty’

People will do almost anything to look and feel young and attractive which is why the beauty industry is thriving. And it doesn’t matter if the trends are incredibly strange, as long as others are following them—you’re likely to jump on the bandwagon. However, when you look back in history, there have been some very weird beauty practices in the past that have left us puzzled. Suntan vending machines and using a literal iron to iron hair are just the tip of the beauty iceberg.

Bored Panda has collected some of the best vintage photos of women doing very peculiar things, all in the name of beauty. So scroll on down, upvote your fave photos, and let us know which of these activities you personally thought were the most bizarre, dear Pandas. Oh, and be sure to let us know which modern beauty practices you think are objectively weird! According to Forbes, the global beauty industry is worth 532 billion dollars. The US is the world’s largest beauty market with around a fifth of the share. While China is in second place and Japan is in third place.

To learn more about the history of beauty and the beauty industry, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Jane Nicholas from St. Jerome’s University at the University of Waterloo. According to Dr. Nicholas, the global beauty industry has grown “substantially” over the 20th century. “Its expansion reveals the importance of beauty in people’s lives as it shapes their identities, especially in regard to gender.”

#1 A Woman Having A Seam Painted Onto Her Leg, To Make It Appear That She Is Wearing Stockings, 1926

Image credits: Fox Photos

#2 Faceless Beauty Contest In Cliftonville, 1936

Image credits: Austrian Archives

#3 “Ironing” Hair, 1964

Dr. Nicholas explained to Bored Panda that modern culture is a visual culture. Meanwhile, modern living meant finding yourself in an increasingly-dense but anonymous city. And that means that appearance becomes more important than ever. After all, when you’re a stranger to someone, they judge you by your appearance.

“So how one appears is often presumed to be who one is. Historically, the rise of the modern city was seen as the place of quick judgments on appearances in places that were crowded but also built for observation. Evaluation by one’s appearance, then, took on new importance. This has only intensified,” the history expert explained.

#4 A Full-Faced Swimming Mask Helped Protect Women’s Skin From The Sun, 1920s

Image credits: Hulton Archive

#5 Max Factor’s 1931 Ice Mask

Image credits: International News Soundphoto

#6 Customers Have Their Legs Painted At A Store In Croydon, London, 1941

Image credits: G W HALES

She pointed out that beauty is (at the same time) deeply personal, as well as culturally driven. That means that the beauty industry is relational to the consumer.

“It provides products and images for consumption and how consumers take those up largely determine its success. Beauty products and practices have to resonate with consumers, who are not simply dupes but often thoughtful and measured in what they want and can consume,” Dr. Nicholas said.

“Gaps in services and products lead to further innovation. Throughout the twentieth century, for example, women of color struggled to be appropriately represented and struggled to find appropriate products. In multiple ways, the industry was forced to grow and expand to respond properly to their needs. Black entrepreneurs often led the way,” she said.

#7 Freckle Removal. A Complicated Apparatus Is Employed. Eyes Are Covered With A Special, Air-Tight Piece, And The Nostrils Filled In. Breathing Is Done Through A Special Tube. Sensitive Parts Of The Face Must Be Treated Separately, 1930

Image credits: Mansell

#8 Contestants In The Miss Lovely Eyes Beauty Pageant In Florida Wearing Masks To Obscure The Rest Of Their Faces, 1930

Image credits: FPG

#9 Woman Tans Using A Suntan Vending Machine, 1949

Image credits: ahtisham-ahmed

It’s no surprise that some vintage beauty procedures, treatments, and practices seem strange to us now. “When dislocated from their context, what was typical in one time period seems strange in another. Today, we see the highly filtered, fully made up selfie as quite ordinary. When you pause to consider it though, it is interesting to think about how those reflect changes in technology (both digital and in cosmetics), as well as in dominant presumptions of what is considered beautiful. It can also be reflective of the democratization of techniques in lighting and makeup application that were historically reserved for insiders within modeling. Now, anyone can use them.”

Dr. Nicholas said that beauty is deeply interwoven with the wider social and cultural context. That means that it reflects more than just beauty itself. “Using X-rays for hair removal, for example, also reflects the fact that technology emerges before the full impact of its use is known,” she gave an example.

The history expert also told Bored Panda that we can expect some of the practices that we take for granted today to seem outdated and peculiar in the decades to come. “It’s quite ordinary today to inject a form of botulism into your face or to dress in the skin of another animal. Over time, though, as our collective beliefs and values change, these ordinary acts might come to be seen as extraordinary.”

#10 Before The Invention Of Sun-Screen In The Mid 1940s, Bathers Wore Garments Like This Freckleproof Cape To Protect Themselves From The Sun. The Cape Also Features Built-In Sunglasses#11 10th Century Chinese Tradition – Foot Binding

Image credits: Jo Farrell / Living History Project

#12 A Perm In Germany In 1929

Image credits: Everett Collection

What I find the weirdest, personally, is the size of the hairdryers in the past. They’re absolutely humongous and they look like something straight out of a sci-fi flick.

The very first hairdryer was invented in 1890 by French stylist Alexander Godefroy. His seated version had a bonnet that attached to none other than the chimney pipe of a gas stove. You read that right, dear Pandas! Imagine going to a beauty salon and being told to put one of those stove-connected bonnets on your head.

We got the very first handheld hairdryers around 1920 due to technological innovations at the time. However, these were nothing like our modern-day equivalent: they weighed around 2 pounds (that’s 0.9 kilograms) and were very difficult to use. They were also prone to overheating and electrocuted people from time to time.

#13 Portable Hair Dryer, 1940s

Image credits: Easyart/PA

#14 French Breast Washer, 1930s#15 Rita Perchetti And Gloria Rossi Try Out Their New Portable Bathhouse So They Can Change Their Clothes After Sunbathing On Coney Island Beach, 1938

Before you rush to poke fun at these vintage beauty practices, keep in mind two things. First of all, even if something is trendy, far from every person follows the newly-minted flavor of the month beauty techniques.

Second of all, if you think that we’ve ‘advanced’ much beyond silliness, turn on the TV and flip to an infomercial channel! The things you’ll see there are just as weird (and maybe even weirder).

#16 A Policeman Judges An Ankle Competition At Hounslow, London, 1930

Image credits: sacredserenity

#17 Tape Worm Diet, 1900s

Image credits: Unknown

#18 A Traditional Japanese Sign Of Beauty- Black Teeth, 17th – 19th Centuries

Image credits: Pierre Dieulefils

#19 Hair Dryer, 1920s#20 Wooden Swimsuits, 1929#21 Dimple Machine In 1936

Image credits: Unknown

#22 The Bra Claimed To Develop And Strengthen The Bust And Was Designed To Vibrate While The Person Wearing It Was At Work. Brussel, 1971#23 Rubber Beauty Masks Used To Get Rid Of Wrinkles In The 1920s

Image credits: Wellcome Collection

#24 Facial Warming Mask, 1940#25 X-Ray Of Female Torso With Corset (Left) And Female Torso Without A Corset (Right), 1908

Image credits:

#26 A Fruit Mask From The 1930s

Image credits: vintage.everyday

#27 You Have A Beautiful Face But Your Nose?#28 Taking Precise Measurements Of A Beautiful Young Woman’s Head And Face With A Contraption Like An Instrument Of Torture, 1933

Image credits: Hulton Archive

#29 Women Who Had Just Given Birth To A Baby Weren’t Prohibited To Smoke In The Hospital. 1940s Ad

Image credits: Unknown

#30 A Young Woman Holds Her Arms And Legs In Four Water Bathes With Electric Current, To Improve Blood Circulation, Circa 1938

Image credits: vintage.everyday

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I’m an epidemiologist. Here are 5 things you should do right now to ride the wave of new COVID cases and prepare for the long winter.

coronavirus winter christmas covid You could safely merge social bubbles.

Dr. Syra Madad is an infectious diseases epidemiologist in NYC. She’s senior director of NYC Health + Hospitals System-wide Special Pathogens Program and fellow for the Harvard Kennedy School, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.  The COVID-19 epidemic is making a turn for the worse in the US — and cold weather is on the horizon. Madad recommends forming small social bubbles now, and getting an emergency kit prepared. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

The United States COVID-19 epidemic is taking a turn for the worse yet again. 

We don’t have just one pandemic, we have 50 epidemics playing out differently in each of the 50 US states. Key benchmarks to gauge the epidemic’s footing in a given state are all trending towards alarming levels of viral spread — including growing daily new COVID-19 infections in 48 states, with increasing positivity rate in over 30 states, increased hospitalizations in 39 states, and expanding epidemics with an Rt value of over 1.0 in 40 states. Needless to say, this may be the most challenging and dangerous peak in US COVID-19 history.

This insidious rise in new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations is occurring amid a precarious mix of factors that will further increase the risk of viral spread. 

Colder temperatures are affecting both the virus itself, in addition to driving more people indoors — thus increasing the potential for transmission. Holiday season is making more people want to travel, mingle, and gather. There’s pandemic fatigue – the rising sense of apathy, exhaustion, and impatience from the daily preventative measures. And, to top it all off, a forthcoming flu season.

Here are five things I’m doing to ride the wave:

1. Staying connected with family, friends, and loved ones

Let’s face it, we all need human interaction. Now is the time to begin thinking who you want in your social bubble. A social bubble is non-household contact(s) that can freely interact with one another indoors without social distancing or wearing a mask. I discuss in my recent article “How to celebrate Halloween with your kids while staying safe during COVID-19, according to an epidemiologist” how to safely merge social bubbles. Other ways to interact with people not in your social bubble is to keep the get-together outdoors, spaced out, and masks on.

2. Getting a home emergency kit ready

It’s always a good idea to keep essentials readily available in an at-home emergency kit. This is for all hazards – be it a hurricane, power outage, or an infectious disease outbreak which may necessitate you and your family hunkering down and limiting any out-of-the-home trips. Make a list of all household members and what their needs are, from a 30 day supply of medications, to diapers (I have a 9 month old and she requires more essential items than adults!) to non-perishable food and other supplies (please don’t buy all the toilet paper).

3. Staying informed

Staying informed about current events — including the rate of COVID-19 spread in your area and local public health guidance — will help you and your loved ones make informed decisions. If there’s high levels of community transmission occurring in your area, it’s best t-o limit contact with non-household members and choose activities with a lower risk of COVID19 transmission. There’s a lot of false information circulating; in my article “5 ways to determine if you’ve gotten accurate coronavirus information,” I cover how to evaluate your sources of information to ensure you’re receiving reliable, credible and science-based facts.

4. Keeping healthy

Our social, emotional, physical, and emotional well-being is very important. The COVID-19 health crisis is stressful, and is taking an enormous toll on our lives in more ways than one. Staying healthy is not only important for your general well-being, it can also help lower your risk of a severe outcome if you contract SARS-CoV-2. 

But it’s also important to note that the risk of a severe outcome from COVID-19 is not uniform, and while older adults and those with underlying health conditions are at increased risk for developing more serious complications, illness and hospitalization, no one is immune. If you have uncontrolled hypertension or diabetes, there has never been athe better time to get it under control. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet, sleep well, exercise, and keep in touch with loved ones.

5. Not letting your COVID-19 guard down

You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again (because that’s one of the tenets of good risk communication – repeating vital pieces of information that can lower risk and save lives). To prevent getting COVID-19 and spreading it to others, following the 4 W’s: wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, and windows for ventilation. Prevention is our best approach — especially when the risk is a highly transmissible, and virulent disease. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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Can you spot the hilarious 44 Coronavirus staysafe mistakes… 😂

Our lives are changing and we’re finding out that adapting to the “new normal” is harder than it looks on paper. While most of us occasionally slip up, there are some people who have completely left rational thought by the roadside the moment the quarantine came into effect.

Internet users can’t help but poke fun at how some people are clueless about how viruses work, so Bored Panda has collected some of the funniest photos of people doing dumb things during the pandemic. Scroll down, enjoy the coronavirus stupidity, and upvote your fave pics, dear Pandas. And let us know in the comments if you’ve encountered any Covidiots so far.

Avoiding products that have the name “Corona” in them is one thing, but microwaving money to “disinfect” it (pro-tip: don’t ever do this) and disregarding safe facemask and glove use is a whole ‘nother ball game entirely.

#1 Stupid Mask

Image credits: EmilyAnnette6

#2 That’s $11k In Fines Right There

Image credits: PhoenixDowntown

#3 $5000 Canadian After Someone Using The Microwave To Disinfect It

Image credits: jdk

Fear makes us do stupid, dumb, irrational things. No matter how cool a cucumber you might be in fair weather conditions, once the coronacrap hits the metaphorical fan, your true character comes out. And the fear of the virus has created public panic in some places.

For instance, in China, there have been reported cases of people hunting down pet cats and dogs due to misinformation about how the virus works. Meanwhile in Malaysia, some citizens were busy spreading rumors that coronavirus patients turned into zombies.

#4 All The Beans At My Local Grocery Store Are Out Except This One

Image credits: ThePortlandStrangler

#5 Well, Thank Goodness The Virus Can’t Move Sideways#6 Just Your Typical Walmart Shopper

Image credits: LordCinko

McDonald’s in China apologized after one of the restaurant’s branches in Guangzhou stopped black people from going inside. The company temporarily closed down the restaurant when it found out about the notice. Online rumors about the coronavirus circulating in Guangzhou led to hundreds of Africans being evicted from apartments and hotels just last week.

#7 Well

Image credits: KenWebsterII

#8 Someone Tell Snorkel Lady That It Won’t Work

Image credits: rsm386

#9 How To Put Your Mask Correctly

Image credits: rilebro

We can judge all we want, but elementary human psychology tells us that fear changes the way that we see the world and react to things. In times of panic, we’re far more likely to conform and turn to herd-mentality so that we can feel safe.

If your friends, family, and neighbors are doing something, the odds are, we’ll be doing it as well. The best thing we can do is try to calm down and bring a bit of logic and common sense back into our lives.

#10 So, My Work Had A Meeting About The Importance Of Social Distancing Today

Image credits: SoManyWeeaboos

#11 Someone’s Rooftop Party Is About To Get Raided By The Cops

Image credits: kalltvatten

#12 If You Can’t Smell It, You Can’t Get It

Image credits: corey-in-cambodia

#13 5G —> Death = Science

Image credits: froooon

#14 This Guy Was Eating His Food Wearing The Same Gloves He’s Been Wearing Since He Walked In

Image credits: Necessary-Silver

#15 Went To The Shop Last Night. Every Aisle Had Been Picked Clean Apart From This… People Are Idiots

Image credits: Cha7l1e

#16 Social Gathering At St Kilda Beach Today

Image credits: leighhenningham

#17 To Make This Safe

Image credits: boberfly

#18 I Don’t Think She Knows What “Quarantining” Means

Image credits: lynchdabinch

#19 Ladies And Gentlemen, The President Of Our Meatpacking Plant While Talking About The Plant’s Safety Procedures During The Virus

Image credits: sunkist268

#20 He’s A Little Confused But He Got The Spirit

Image credits:

#21 To Protect Against COVID-19

Image credits: Mrdazjames

#22 To Shield The Face

Image credits: ThisIsTrix

#23 Someone Brought These Bills To The Bank They Tried To Sanitize In A Microwave

Image credits: Jamaisfaux

#24 How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Image credits: cuchicou

#25 It Was Painful Watching This Happen

Image credits: send_me_ur_best_meme

#26 I Don’t Believe This Is Proper Glove-Wearing Protocol#27 Good To Know Coronavirus Only Travels Forward And Backwards

Image credits: jcepiano

#28 Protesters Against Quarantine Back Again At The Ohio Statehouse

Image credits: karenkasler

#29 She’s Wearing A Mesh Bee Keeper Type Helmet. I’m Not Sure She Gets The Point

Image credits: karmapointsaregay

#30 Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Doesn’t Seem To Understand How To Put On A Medical Mask Either. Mayor, Your Nostrils Are Showing

Image credits: KenWebsterII

#31 No, I Don’t Use My Nose To Breathe

Image credits: PianistCryuff

#32 There Was An Attempt To Use A Mask

Image credits: PropagandaDebunker

#33 Wife Said To Wear A Mask In Public Areas?

Image credits: kayosjim

#34 N95s Filtering Improves If You Wear It As A Headband

Image credits: orlando2542

#35 I Don’t Think That’s How It Works

Image credits: eoztenten

#36 Apparently, We Have All Been Doing It Wrong


#37 Wrong Type Of Napkin

Image credits: Americancatfarmer

#38 Seen Today In The Atlanta Airport – Babies In Comforter Bags

Image credits: hme9115

#39 Not Sure This Counts As Social Distancing

Image credits: Serpenio_

#40 I’ve Honestly Never Read The Instructions, But I’m Pretty Sure This Isn’t The Most Effective Use Of A Mask Right Now

Image credits: LordPickels

#41 A Group Of Friends Still Getting Together And Partying Regardless Of The Quarantine Rules. Obviously Standing Less Than 6 Feet Apart But It’s Okay Because They’re All Wearing Face Masks

Image credits: doodlebop_

#42 You’re Wearing Your Mask Backwards

Image credits: catcontentonly

#43 My Local Albertsons Trying To Keep The Buttons Clean… I Don’t Think They Get It

Image credits: Chill0000

#44 You Touch 4 Doors Before The Time Clock. This Is How Management Is Protecting And Caring For Us

Image credits: gbooff

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The rumoured Apple iPhone SE2 has finally arrived How does it compare to the iPhone 11

Image: Apple

After months of rumors, Apple has finally announced a new iPhone SE2. The new phone looks a lot like the iPhone 8, as it has a 4.7-inch LCD screen, Touch ID, a glass back, and thick top and bottom bezels. But on the inside, it’s powered by Apple’s A13 Bionic chip, which is significantly more powerful than the iPhone 8’s A11 Bionic chip and is also what’s inside Apple’s iPhone 11 series of phones. And the second-generation iPhone SE’s $399 starting price makes it a lot cheaper than the iPhone 11.

With the introduction of the new iPhone SE, Apple now offers iPhones with the A13 Bionic chip at four different starting price points, ranging from $399 all the way up to $1,099. Within that price range, you can pick from a number of different…

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30 Of The Best Coronavirus Quarantine Haircuts and Beauty Fails :-))

There’s a small handful of things you can treat yourself with. Scented candles, self-help books, home-made nachos, and rewatching every season of Girls are fine for a while. Until you stumble upon that pale figure staring back from the mirror. Chipped nails and undyed hair hint that the line has been crossed.

And sooner than you know it, your quarantined home turns into a DIY beauty salon. It charges nothing and covers all essential services from fake tan, manicure, and hair trimming. All executed by you—a professional rookie. Surprise surprise, a quarantine beauty fail accomplished! Bored Panda has compiled a list of the best lockdown beauty disasters that will either inspire or curb your enthusiasm for good.


I’m reluctant to call what my wife did to me a haircut. But here it is. Well done wife, another string to your bow

Image credits: pimack


Image credits: kidsensela


What could go wrong having my first buzz cut with the boys at 11PM without checking how much battery the razor has left

Image credits: The-One-Icy-Kid

Giving yourself some time to focus on you and relax may be exactly what you need the most. You may not have a better opportunity to focus on yourself than the quarantined days any time soon. But before getting yourself into a full-blown home-made spa, you might wanna know some tips about basic beauty treatments.

If you feel like you need a hair trim, you’d better take some time off from cutting altogether. Stay focused on your hair health and consider adding conditioning masks or moisturizing treatments to your beauty routine. After the crisis is over, you will be stunned to see your luscious locks well-rested and ready to take on the summer look.

Another great tip is to try washing your hair less. Start slow—skip days at a time and see how your locks are feeling. There are natural oils on our scalp that boost hair health, but we usually wash them all off in daily shampooing sessions.


Quarantine self cut gone wrong…

Image credits: whitejeepTJ


Quarantine + boredom + overconfidence = this monstrosity

Image credits: AminusBK


My kiddo cut his hair yesterday, then agreed to let me have a little fun with it before we fixed it.

Image credits: KThingy

Another great tip is washing your hair less. Start slow—skip days at a time and see how your locks are feeling. There are natural oils on our scalp that boost hair health, but we usually wash them all off in daily shampooing sessions.

You can definitely try out a quarantine nail salon at home. But it’s better to stay away from gel or dip manicures altogether. A regular polish of your fave color is a great way to get that lively look. Try out colors that you usually don’t wear—quarantine is a judgement-free zone, and it’s an excellent time to experiment a little.


Today my partner learned that you shouldn’t put off a haircut until the apocalypse when the only person left to do it (we’re in NYC) is your girlfriend who has never even trimmed her own ends. He calls this look “Cambodian garbage Hitler.”

Image credits: NotedHeathen


Is anyone else struggling to adjust to their new at-home beauty routine? I accidentally burned my lip trying to wax yesterday… so painful. Tell me I’m not alone

Image credits: luluylala


Image credits: jaasminelopezz


Image credits: gruffaloe


Image credits: kyr10


Image credits: badgirIkiki


These quarantine cuts are amazing

Image credits: Like_Yoda_I_Am


Don’t use your beard trimmer to cut your hair

Image credits: Louis83


Tried to cut my son’s hair during quarantine, now he’s gonna complain to the hotel manager

Image credits: nikolasmor


Our son’s hair was in desperate need of a haircut during quarantine. Husband and I took a wack at it. We had to stop before it got worse

Image credits: Spookyredd


My mom: “Don’t worry, I used to give haircuts all the time”

Image credits: stancelyfe


My buddy’s wife convinced him to let her cut his hair while in quarantine. The results speak for themselves

Image credits: cassawkc


Uh oh, this looks weird. Maybe I should have googled how to give a haircut before jumping right in

Image credits: jenniferzzzwang


Image credits: AleLarios15


Image credits: lauralaser


Image credits: bmockbee


I’m not a hairdresser. Corona forced me to be a hair dresser. This is why I am not and should not be a hairdresser. (I had my phone in my hand and it accidentally took a burst pic which captured the “what have I done” look on my face)

Image credits: Lexxx232


Image credits:


With the barbershop closed during quarantine, my wife tried her best…

Image credits: admiraltarkin


wife wanted to cut my hair for her birthday since I was overdue before quarantine started…

Image credits: madeyedog


Image credits: cutiepup6


Image credits: BokoniMarina


Image credits: InsecureTalent


Image credits: sleepyvrgo

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Philippine President Orders Authorities To Shoot Coronavirus Lockdown Violaters

coronavirus shoot to kill

You may survive the Coronavirus but not the lockdown if you violate!

Whilst results from social distancing would suggest that it is effective in slowing down the rate the virus is spreading, the President of the Philipines has a very different approach to a ‘lockdown’

Countries and citizens around the world are all navigating how to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, and how to avoid spreading the virus. The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has ordered his military and police forces to shoot anyone…

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The post Philippine President Orders Authorities To Shoot Coronavirus Lockdown Violaters appeared first on The Shade Room.

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Can I have sex? A guide to intimacy during the coronavirus outbreak

Among the many frequently asked questions about the coronavirus, one that is definitely linked to social distancing is that of intimacy.

What are the risks associated with intimacy in the time of coronavirus? Three experts weigh in

It’s nearly impossible to practice “social distancing” with the partners with whom we share homes – and beds. But what are the risks associated with intimacy in the time of coronavirus? Three experts weigh in.

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